Tuesday, June 5, 2007


We received a request for a donation to an auction. this happens quite frequently, nd we have made the decision to give only to those who cause we would like to help. This request is from the Contemprary Crafts Museum in Portland. we fully agree with the road they are taking. They are opening in a new location, and their gala opening in July will feature an auction, with the centerpieces being auctioned off. "Transformation" is the theme, with the centerpieces reflecting this.

We are sending a limited edition box entitled "Agate Beach". It truly reflects the theme
1) The box is made from Dakota Burl, a product made from sunflower seed husks.
2) The box has been stabilized, making it more durable, and makes the maple burl on the lid a usable wood. (The burl was spal;ted, rotten before being stabilized.)
3) The feet are stainless steel drawer handles.

It has truly transformed == from sunflower seeds, rotten boards, and molten steel to a beautiful, functional box to hold precious treasures.

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