Thursday, January 10, 2008

The New Normal

Life is back to normal here. That means I am now going to the gym/pool 3--4 times as week for water excerise again. Last Friday was my first time in four months, and that warm water felt so-o-o-o good. And my muscles felt so-o-o-o bad the next day. I am once again able to do everything--go get the mail, go to the bank, I even went to Target by myself.

Bill and I both are hard at work getting everything ready for the Philadelphia show. Bill's getting new boxes and tables ready; I am getting a new price list ready, as well as a newsletter to our customers and prospective customers. I also am preparing a press kit for the show. Bill is finishing up on a commission for an end table with a drawer. It's done, he's just letting the finish dry before he takes it to be photographed and delivers it.

We are looking forward to our post-show vacation. First a couple of days in Washington DC with our favorite Washington Correspondent, daughter Erika, then a few more days in sunny Florida with our grandson, Elliott (and his parents). Elliott, Steph and Jacques are on their way to South Africa as I write this. They will be there 3 weeks, so we will be looking forward to hearing tales about lions and giraffes.

We live next to a wildlife refuge. But I have to say, I really hate to hear the guns go off every morning just at sunrise and again at sunset. These supposed "sportsmen" are after their goose/geese, but I don't think it's very sportsmanlike to sit across the road from a wildlife refuge made for migrating Canadian geese and shoot them as they fly into/out of the refuge. There is something special about seeing thousands of geese circle to land in a pond, but I'm not too much in favor of the hunters waiting to shoot them. Enough tirade for today.

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